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Regarding your safety

Please read this.

I am pleased to welcome you back to Advantage Physiotherapy, I have missed you, but things are not the same. Please be patient as this is new to us too.

Firstly, safety is of prime importance to us all. We have some changes of service to announce.

We are trying to keep in-house appointments to a minimum time. This is achieved by the telephone or video conferencing appointment ahead of the office appointment.

 Please remember this in-house is in our house.


Appointment protocol


If you request a physiotherapy appointment by phone or email, the sequence is…


1/. We will phone you regarding your history of travel and symptoms of virus. Contact information and in case of emergency number verified.


2/. If possible, a telehealth appointment will be arranged. This is the best way to take a history and collate your symptoms and get an initial impression of your problem and ability to move and perform some basic tests. If it is deemed that an in-person or hands on approach is necessary an appointment will be made.

This will enable any in-person appointments to be kept to a minimum time.


3/. If an in-person appointment is deemed appropriate your appointment will be arranged as such…


Before you leave home please visit the washroom (ours is closed), do not drink coffee on the way to your appointment (our washroom will be closed). Wash your hands and wear clean clothes. Bring with you a clean facial covering/mask. Please bring or wear appropriate clothing, shorts, sleeveless shirt, sports bra etc.


You will arrive punctually (if you arrive early please wait in your car) and go directly into the open treatment room. Hand sanitizer is to be used on arrival. The waiting room chairs have been removed. It will have been freshly sanitized with clean laundry and a disinfectant wash down before every patient. The doors will be kept open. You may sit on the chair or treatment table. Visitors will not be permitted with the exception of caregivers (parents of children under 19 or caregivers of those in need).


Any further clarification of symptom change with activity will be confirmed. You will don your mask after this verbal meeting.

I will wear a mask and clear face shield for our joint protection.

Once wearing the PPE we can break the 6 feet spacing rule. Our physical contact time is to be kept to a minimum while still helping you with your physical ailments.

Treatment of manipulation etc will be performed in the office and a program of self help or exercises will be forwarded by email later the same day.

Follow up appointments will be made by email or over the phone. If a follow up appointment can be done by telehealth this is preferable.

Payment of fees will be done by etransfer if possible either before or after your appointment on the same day and receipts issued the same way. We will still be able to direct bill medical insurance companies as before.




You should be aware that despite out best efforts of screening, sanitation and use of protective screens there will always be a potential risk of contracting Covid-19. I will ask if you accept this level of potential risk before each and every appointment. Please refer to our safety protocol in the clinic or posted to the web site at

NB.     It is not possible to contract viruses via telehealth appointments


We are fortunate on Vancouver Island, we are at a very low risk of contamination, but it is not zero risk


I accept the risk of picking up an infection is less than the risk on my general health than continuing with my current ailment for which I am seeking physiotherapy.


Signed   __________________________________

Dated ­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­   __________________________________

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